Professional Bike Fitting

Leading Edge of Bike Fitting Technology

Call Us to Set Up Your Fitting Appointment

Your fitting appointment usually lasts about an hour. During your fitting appointment here's what happens - 
  • A complete evaluation is performed on your seat positioning. We'll make sure it's right by looking at all the angles, making sure you're centered over your bike, and making sure your stem is the right length.
  • We check for pedal and leg length discrepancies, measure for proper seat width by utilizing our Retul digital sitbone device, cleat positioning, shoe insoles if arch support is needed, stop your feet from going to sleep or getting hot, proper gloves to wear

Getting Stephanie dialed in for the World Championships in Perth Australia. Thanks to Mark Andrews with Trek for helping get the bike UCI legal. Mark works in the race engineering department! Hopefully we can bring home some hardware. Steph has improved her FTP since winning Nationals in May. Good luck Steph!

Posted by Perfect Endurance Bikes on Friday, August 19, 2016


During this process, Jed will learn about how you ride, try to understand your cycling goals, and what your aim to achieve through your rides and other pertinent information.


Jed will personalize the ergonomics surrounding your bike and equipment. Everything from saddle selection and position, shoes, footbeds, cleat position, and handlebar position are all optimized to suit your body.
Ride Analysis

Ride Analysis

Jed will visually assess your position on the bike while you ride. The additional information is crucial to further optimize the dynamics surrounding your ride.

Bike Fit

Jed will schedule a follow-up session to review your adaptation to the new position, document performance improvements, answer your questions, and provide guidance on how to get the most out of your ride.

Proper bike fit is important for amateur as well as seasoned riders. Basic fundamentals of how to ride, proper positioning and riding more efficiently are taught. Efficiency is a word that will be talked about a lot. The objective of the assessment is to ensure that comfort in performance is maximized. The follow up session will also discuss about nutrition and the role it plays in your endurance. No matter where you bought your bike, we are happy to do the fitting for you.
  • Basic Prices - $120.00*
  • Tri Bikes - $150.00*
* Any part added or changed out during the bike fitting are extra. 

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